How to start with flutter — The beginner…

samyukta gurram
3 min readJun 23, 2021

Hi✋! In this article I just want to go through the prerequisites and how one can start learning flutter. Okay, let me share my experience how I started flutter😊.

Well, I am very enthusiastic to learn new technologies always and also I had an interest of developing mobile applications from my college days😁 , so which made me to learn flutter now. In the beginning I don’t know anything about flutter I’m new to it and I just know how to develop native applications and had good knowledge on OOPs Concepts of Java.

In general, developing mobile applications like Native Apps for Android and iOS is a complex and challenging task. There are many frameworks available for app developers to develop a mobile application but Flutter made life easier to the app developers as it supports both Operating Systems, android and iOS just from a single codebase .And, the Interesting feature of flutter which I like is hot reload option where developer can see the changes which they made in fraction of seconds without rebuilding the complete application which takes half day😂lol.

Is Flutter Programming language?🤔

No, it is a software development kit (SDK) with prewritten code, consisting of ready-to-use and customizable widgets, as well as libraries, tools, and documentation that together serve to build cross-platform apps.

Which language does Flutter Use?

It uses Dart programming language that is almost effortless to learn because Dart is a language with C-style syntax and can compile to either native code or JavaScript.

Which IDE you should use for Flutter ?

Android Studio or Intellij IDE are recommended by Flutter developers as it offers complete integrated experience for Flutter. VSCode is another editor which is helpful and user friendly for beginners as well as for programmers.

But, I prefer Android Studio as it provides you syntax highlighting, widget editing assists, run & debug support, Flutter Inspector, Outline and more✌.

Prerequisites for Learning Flutter

  1. OOPs Concepts
  2. You should know Dart programming before you can learn Flutter: but that’s easy too. Dart is Google’s general-purpose programming language.

I just learned the basics of dart and jumped into flutter😉.

How to Install Flutter ?

To know how to install Flutter just follow official docs and if you are facing any issues while installing see this.

To check whether it is installed successfully or not try below command in your command prompt or flutter console.

 flutter doctor

Then you may get below output:

All done guys😁Hurray! So , I hope you understood a bit about Flutter and what all you need before building and application.Right?

Hmmm……Okay So will learn about Flutter Widgets in the next article 😊.Stay tuned.

Thank you🤝Happy Learning😊

