How to Overcome the errors while installing flutter?
Hi guys, We’ll directly go into the content. How to resolve the errors while installing. Below is the image where most of the time everyone will face issues.

So, here you can see I’m facing 4 issues .Let’s see one by one
1.Android toolchain :Android license status unknown
Firstly, try to run below command,
flutter doctor --android-licenses

If you got the same exception as above image then do the following:
Open Android Studio and go to SDK Manager->Android SDK->SDK Tools ->install Android SDK Command-line Tools (latest)

Now open your command prompt and run the below command again and accept the licenses.

Yeah🙌! we are done with this…
2. Android Studio :Flutter and Dart plugins are not installed
Open Android Studio and go to SDK Manager->plugins->install flutter and dart plugins.

Restart your Android Studio and check with flutter doctor.
3.VS Code : Flutter extension not installed
Add extensions(click Ctrl+shift+P) in your VS code and restart IDE .

Run flutter doctor in the console .

Congratulations! you have successfully installed flutter.
I hope you liked the article and if you are still facing any issues you can comment down.
Thank you🤝Happy Learning😀.